Thank you for your interest in the Engage application process. We have compiled some resources here to assist you in your efforts.
Resource Documents
The following tools are available to aid in proposal creation:
- The Guidelines outlining the goals, approach and operating principles of the Engage Program.
- A Defining Results Guidesheet to assist in drafting a Results Statement.
- The Target, Verification, and Milestone worksheet to prepare target statements, track project milestones, and verify project results.
- The PowerPoint presentation from the Applicant Workshop held on October 5, 2022.
What is the funding range for Engage grants?
The Foundation anticipates funding grants ranging from $50,000-$100,000 per year through Engage. This is only an anticipated range, and applicants may request more or less. Applicants may also request up to three years of funding.
Our organization is statewide. Do we qualify?
The Foundation only considers statewide projects if they have the potential to impact everyone across the state – policy reform, for example. Otherwise, programs must be serving residents of the 10-parish Capital Area.
We are a youth serving organization. Do we qualify?
It depends. Applicants should look closely at the desired outcomes and Results Trails to determine whether their programming will achieve the long-term behavioral and condition changes sought.
We host a summit/conference/Fair, are we eligible for funding?
While there are gains to be made at these one-time events, the changes in behavior and condition we seek to influence are unlikely to be made through one-time events. These types of events held in conjunction with long-term programming will be considered.
We work with other organizations in the course of our work. Should we complete an application under Partnerships and Collaborations?
Applicants should look closely at the desired outcomes and Results Trail associated with Partnerships and Collaborations. Ultimately, projects selected for Partnerships and Collaborations will enhance the services of all organizations involved, by intentionally building the sector, not simply working together on a direct service project.
We're not sure if we should submit a Partnerships & Collaborations application or one for Systems Change.
Think critically about your target audience and target results are for each. For systems change, you’re ultimately trying to move system actors to make policy or practice change; for partnerships and collaboration, you’re ultimately trying to move organizations in the same direction.
We serve both ALICE families and the formerly incarcerated. Do we need to complete multiple applications?
Think critically about the populations you serve and your intended outcomes for them. Is your work with the formerly incarcerated an effort to reduce their risk of recidivism, or are they simply a subset of your client population that you are supporting in building assets?
Where can I find more information about ALICE?
ALICE stands for Asset-Limited Income-Constrained Employed and is a project of United Way. These are the members of our community who are earning more than poverty wages but still not enough to survive – let alone thrive – in our community. Learn more at UnitedforALICE.org.
What is a Results Statement?
A Results Statement identifies what your organization commits to achieving for participants or stakeholders during the grant period. You need one for each Results Trail completed. It should be clear, brief and in the positive.
How do we go about writing a Results Statement?
Following these four steps will help you devise a project Results Statement:
1. Identify the changes in behavior or condition you seek;
2. Specify the degree of change you consider a success;
3. Estimate how many participants will change in what ways and by when; and
4. Use a Result Statement structure to express your result by a specific date.
Is there a structure to writing Results Statements?
After you identify the components needed to express the results you seek for participants or stakeholders, write your statement in a clear, brief and concise manner:
By December 31, 2023(specific date), of the ___(# of participants) we serve, ____(# to achieve) will _____(change in behavior or condition).
How many participants should we propose serving in a year?
It depends. Some projects serve many people during a year, while others serve fewer participants in a much deeper fashion.
- You may have experience with past participants that gives you a good idea of how many typically get to the results you seek for them. We realize not everyone will get there within the grant period – some people need more time than others – so use what you have seen in the past to give you an idea of what to expect in the future.
- We understand that participants that have more barriers to succeed may take longer and cost more to achieve success. Be sure to consider the level of difficulty of your participant group in considering how many will achieve success within the grant period.
- Programs that run over a longer period of time may also have participants already moving down the results trail to success. Be sure to include both new and existing participants already being served in your projection. – You include all participants served during the calendar year, regardless of whether they entered the program during that year or in a previous year.
Remember that it is likely that not all participants will achieve results, and that’s OK!
*Organizations should only include participants who reside in the 10-parish Capital Area.
What is the difference between a Results Statement and the Results Trails?
The Results Statement is your opportunity to tell us what unique, specific results you will help your participants/stakeholders achieve and should indicate the furthest point of success you can help your participants achieve, even if it is only a small number of the number of individuals you serve. Your Results Statement could be one of the points on the Results Trail, but it doesn’t have to be.
The Results Trails will be completed by all grantees and show us how we are collectively moving participants/stakeholders along the path to achieving success.
What are the Results Trails? How do we use them?
Results Trails represent accomplishments stakeholders will achieve in making progress toward Engage goals. They will serve as the basis for metrics that all projects will report against throughout the year. The arrow reflects the types of activities and programs that are offered to these individuals to help them start to move down the continuum of change. Applicants will indicate to the Foundation how many individuals – over the course of the year – will achieve each bullet on the trail. Grant recipients will report against these metrics quarterly.
How many participants should we propose serving in a year?
It depends. Some projects serve many people during a year, while others serve fewer participants in a much deeper fashion.
- You may have experience with past participants that gives you a good idea of how many typically get to the results you seek for them. We realize not everyone will get there within the grant period – some people need more time than others – so use what you have seen in the past to give you an idea of what to expect in the future.
- We understand that participants that have more barriers to succeed may take longer and cost more to achieve success. Be sure to consider the level of difficulty of your participant group in considering how many will achieve success within the grant period.
- Programs that run over a longer period of time may also have participants already moving down the results trail to success. Be sure to include both new and existing participants already being served in your projection. – You include all participants served during the calendar year, regardless of whether they entered the program during that year or in a previous year.
Are we expected to complete every item on the Results Trail?
No. Organizations should only complete the Results Trail items they can reasonably help participants and stakeholders to achieve. For example, if your program has been in operation for less than a year, there is no way to achieve three years of stability in the community by December 31, 2023.
How do we estimate numbers for the Results Trails?
You know your programs better than anyone, and only you can determine how many participants are 1) currently in your program and will achieve the results, or 2) will join your program and will achieve the results. All numbers should be do-able with a stretch prior to December 31, 2023.
What are Milestones?
Milestones help you track what is important to ensure those you serve are on the road to success. They should show progression toward the Results Statement and are structured in such a way that you can’t hit the Target without achieving the milestones along the way.
What's the difference between a Key Activity and a Milestone?
Key Activities are things you do with your clients. Milestones are the changes in behavior and/or condition your participants achieve.
How many Milestones should we have?
We don’t need to know every little thing a client does. We are interested in critical milestones participants must achieve if they are going to achieve the end result. For example, a client cannot follow a budget if they never created one. Strive for 5-7 milestones per quarter.
How do we estimate numbers for the Milestones?
You know your programs better than anyone, and only you can determine how many participants are 1) currently in your program and will achieve the results, or 2) will join your program and will achieve the results. Order your milestones in a funnel-type sequence (larger numbers at the top of the quarter and decreasing). Does it take you 100 coming in to achieve the result, or only 50? Be sure you are including all of your participants: continuing, new ones joining your program 1/1/22 and throughout the year, and graduates. When your Milestones align with the Results Trail outcomes, the numbers should be consistent across both sections.
How many years of funding can we request?
While funding will be granted in one-year increments, organizations may request up to three years of funding with their application. Partners will be expected to report on progress and participate in learning sessions quarterly. Opportunities for additional support will be provided to partners who make meaningful progress toward the Engage results.
How do we indicate a multi-year funding request?
There are a couple of items:
- Question #3 – What are your project’s Start and End dates? All projects will start 1/1/23. The End Date defaults to 12/31/23; please change the End Date if you are requesting multi-year funding.
- Question #4 – What is the total grant amount requested? Indicate the total amount requested, including all years.
- Attachment #2 – Project Budget Please include each year separately – to the best of your knowledge – and indicate the level of funding you are requesting from the Foundation each year.
Do we also predict results for three years?
While we all wish we had crystal balls and knew exactly what could be achieved over three years, we know things change. Organizations awarded grants that have requested multi-year funding will have meetings with the Foundation after the Q3 reports to discuss how the projects are progressing and any adjustments to be made for the following year. Renewal applications will be similar for organizations to indicate their projected results for subsequent years.
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We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re working on an application, want to share good news, or need to brainstorm a new idea, we appreciate every opportunity to visit and learn with you.
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