The Foundation’s eligibility requirements are as follows:
- The organization or its fiscal agent must be tax exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. If a fiscal agent is used, they must submit a letter of agreement as an attachment, and the name of the partner organization is to be used as the project name on the application.
- Eligible programs must be located in one of the following parishes:
- Ascension
- East Baton Rouge
- East Feliciana
- Iberville
- Livingston
- Pointe Coupee
- St. Helena
- St. James
- West Baton Rouge
- West Feliciana
- Funding for certain statewide projects may be considered, but the project must serve the entire state without regional restrictions.
We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re working on an application, want to share good news, or need to brainstorm a new idea, we appreciate every opportunity to visit and learn with you.

© 2025 Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation
Website designed by dezinsINTERACTIVE